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We have a phrase at Metabolic: when it comes to SQUATS, “be the CATCHER, not the UMPIRE”! All too often Squats can get overly “hingy”, and minimize the degree of knee flexion in order to just “move load”. If “moving load” with minimal knee flexion is the only objective, then a RDL variation is the obvious exercise choice here, but if your goal is to gain strength in the QUADS, then proper mechanics matter!

DB Catcher Squats afford us the opportunity to perform an effective squatting pattern that is safe on both the upper and lower back. Additionally, when done off of wedges, a greater ROM can be introduced, and more knee flexion can be achieved, which lowers the demand on the grip, as not as much training load is required.

Here are some great tips to help you master this potent movement:

✅ Try to perform them with your heels elevated. In this instance, heels elevated on weight plates, or hex dumbbells can work, but if you have squat wedges, even better! This will free up your ankles to move, and allow your knees to better track forward to create the necessary knee flexion.

✅ As stated, picture the “catcher” in baseball, and DESCEND with your hips BEFORE your hips move BACK! This is critical for QUAD recruitment.

✅ PACK your upper back in tightly to initiate the movement. A small of amount of shoulder protraction is acceptable, but we don’t want your shoulders rolling forward excessively, as this will be all too tempting to HINGE.

❌ Do NOT be the umpire! If your hips are going BACK before they go DOWN

❌Go as low as you can keeping a relatively upright torso, and avoiding “butt wink”, which occurs when you reach a depth that indices flexion, or “rounding” of the lower back.

❌”Hitch” at the bottom! At times, proper torso angle can be maintained, but we see a degree of “stripper squat” occur, where the hips come up disciplined, stay tight, and use a training load that prevents this!

Check out Metabolic Coach Jess doing a great job executing control, focus, and intensity on a movement that has become a staple here at Metabolic!

squats #quads #legs #legday #intensity #dumbbells #intensity

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